Photo(s) :

Document(s) :

Nom générique :

2,2'-Dichlorodiethyl Ether / Bis(2-chloroethyl) Ether

Fabricant :

Wuxi Yangshi

Quantité :

19 200 kgs

Emballage :

80 barils de 240 kgs

# de lot :

2 # de lot disponible sur demande

CAS # :


Apparence :

Liquide incolore

Date de fabrication :


Détails :

2-Chloroethyl Ether uses and applications include: General solvent, selective solvent for production of high-grade lubricating oils and textile scouring, cleaners, paints, varnishes, lacquers, finish removers, spotting and dry cleaning; soil fumigant; intermediate and crosslinking agent in organic synthesis.