Photo(s) :

Marque(s) déposée(s) :

Naugawhite Liquid

Nom générique :

Rubber Antioxidant Additive

Fabricant :

SI Group Inc.

Quantité :

15 580 kgs

Emballage :

82 barils x 190 kgs

# de lot :

Disponible sur demande

Apparence :

Liquide visqueux, ambre clair

Date de fabrication :

08 2021 / 02 2022

Détails :

NAUGAWHITE™ Liquid is a rubber antioxidant additive easily emulsifi ed for latex applications that will not stain fabrics, lacquers, or other materials through migration or contact. It protects natural and synthetic rubber from degradation due to heat, light, and oxygen exposure. NAUGAWHITE™ Liquid will not yellow when exposed to nitrogen dioxide.