


Generic Name:



Special Materials Company


9 000 kgs


45 x 200 kgs drums / UN 2234, Class 3, Packing group III

LOT #:

Available upon request / Four lots: 20 drums, 14 drums, 6 drums, 5 drums

CAS #:



Clear Liquid, free of suspended matter

Manufacturing date:

05 2016, 08 2016 and 09 2016


Parachlorobenzotrifluoride is a colorless liquid with a distinct aromatic odor. It is used as an ink solvent in the printing industry. PCBTF is used as a component (5-12%) of low VOC compliant polyurethane finishes. The material itself is considered to have negligible VOCs and is increasingly used as a Xylene replacement in cleaners, thinners and other aromatic hydrocarbon blends.

PCBTF is growing in popularity with its widespread uses in several applications. Not only can PCBTF be used as a cosmetic stain remover or aerosol rust inhibitor, it is noted as a newer "green" solvent currently exempt from the EPA's Clean Air Act Regulation, this chemical compound it also commonly recognized as a solvent for ink. It is colorless with a distinct odor presence. It is a solvent faster than toluene and used in lower quantity than most solvents with a 22:20 gram of ink to solvent ratio. That's impressive enough, but more important, this powerful tool is a VOC exempt solvent or a "green" alternative to many solvents on the market. This alone makes a significant difference to any coating company working to reduce their VOC's.

VOC Exempt Solvent.
Parachlorobenzotrifluoride is VOC exempt in all 50 States and Canada. It is a stable, non reactive, non corrosive, hydrophobic, low polarity solvent. It will not undergo hydrolysis or dehydrochlorination and does not support combustion.

Paints and Coatings:
PCBTF is used as VOC exempt solvent in many paints and coatings. It has a good solubility profile with a mid-range evaporation rate. Parachlorobenzotrifluoride can be used in both Parts A and B of urethanes and epoxies.

Parachlorobenzotrifluoride is used as a VOC exempt solvent in adhesives.

PCBTF is used as a VOC exempt solvent in caulks.

Cleaners and degreasers:
Cleaners and degreasers can use Parachlorobenzotrifluoride to reduce VOC content.

Reaction Solvent:
Parachlorobenzotrifluoride is used as a VOC exempt reaction solvent.

Chemical Intermediate:
Pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals are manufactured using PCBTF.